Lost in Iceland

As I stood at the top of that cliff, I looked out towards the vastness of a valley scattered with waterfalls and glaciers in the distance. 

My mind was completely engaged with being in the moment, taking it all in.  Leaving the monotony of everyday life had become difficult; I had found myself in a rhythm. 

Simple, many times, insignificant tasks occupied my mind and caused distress. But at this moment, on this island populated by vikings, trolls and an odd number of sheep I was able me to find an escape. 

While getting lost in the beauty of Iceland I was able to recover my balance. 

No other place on earth engages your senses as much as this volcanic island

Wherever you look there are geysers erupting, wild horses running or cracks in the earth separating two tectonic plates where the water visibility is over 100 meters. 

Iceland is a country that cant just simply be described, it has to be experienced.   

- Juan Ignacio Rion

Check out more of his adventures here.

Have you seen the stunning Seljalandsfoss waterfalls of Iceland? See them here.