Our first project partners, HOOP Peru.

Meet HOOP, a Peruvian NGO that thisworldexists is proud to announce as their first project partner.

HOOP works in a small community called Flora Tristán on the outskirts of Arequipa. The families in Flora Tristan don’t have much, but HOOP run an after-school program to help build confidence and enhance their education to assist with them breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Who best to describe the organisation that one of their volunteers? Below is a little piece explaining the normal day-to-day of her experience with this fantastic organisation.

One of the amazing things about volunteering is that you really get to know the people and culture of your host country, in this case Peru. Rather than backpacking my way along the South America tourist routes, volunteering has given me a chance live in another country and make friends with local people and other volunteers from all over the world.

The hoop school is split into different classes, each named after an animal. This is my class…the monkeys! The children listen hard (Well..most of the time!) while we teach them about adjectives.

But it’s not always hard work, and the kids laugh while playing games, it is pretty much universal that you learn more through playing games. When it is time to finish class all students at this school that is free of charge for anyone interested in attending is given some safe drinking water (unfortunately hard to find in these parts).

Cancha is everyone's favourite part of the day when we all get together outside and play outdoor games and chat with the kids. Volleyball and skipping are definite favourites amongst the villagers!

As a volunteer, you get to connect with the kids and understand their hopes and dreams. You feel really appreciated and like you’re making a difference for them. Aside from giving something back to society, volunteering comes with a great social scene! We usually all get together on the hostel roof terrace for dinner, and sometimes go and check out the Arequipa nightlife!

thisworldexists are excited to help contribute to increased access to education in Flora Tristán and allow HOOP to expand their school with better facilities, more classrooms and improved resources to minimise the number of students missing out on a vital education in the local area.

El Misti volcano is an overpowering and ever-so impressive backdrop to this area and we are currently planning a Peruvian adventure to explore the surrounding volcanoes, Colca Canyon and then help contribute to the HOOP school.

Interested in hearing more? Email us at info@thisworldexists.com