Stop. Hammock time.

I'm sure, we've all been there.

Left something at home when going out on an epic adventure. Well not me, not anymore. I will always be making sure I pack my number 1.

thisworldexists this world exists cambodia kho thansay eno hammocks hammock

It's often the case, the hot sun or long day on the trail has drained us of energy. You can't blame us, we're all human.

No matter how bravo or macho we pretend to be, sometimes we get tired, especially when we are out testing our limits and exploring the great outdoors.

Other times, all we want to do is chill out, admire a view that we have worked really hard for or we want a little time to appreciate being alone in the great outdoors.

That's why, after purchasing my first hammock, I will never ever, EVER, leave on an adventure without it!

hammock cambodia thisworldexists this world exists eno hammocks

I've even gone so far as not just getting a sunset soaker, but a genuine hiking hammock. I absolutely love it for overnighters because it is heaps smaller than a tent. Some other benefits I've found is that it's great if the ground is wet and muddy and there's no more bent tent pegs after wrestling with the concrete ground to get them to stay. 

Now, all I need is just need two trees or rocks.

Phnom Kulen Cambodia thisworldexists this world exists adventure asia river

My hiking hammock really came into it's own when hiking through the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia. It was mosquito proof, kept me cool enough in the hot and humid nights to get some much needed rest and kept me off the jungle floor during nightly monsoonal rain.

Cardamom Mountains thisworldexists cambodia this world exists tatai river waterfall

Lastly, I had seen all those epic shots that always seemed to have a hammock in them.

Well now, I'm just another one of those people. A comfortable, chilled out, adventure fiend that likes snapping pics of me being ever so relaxed and feeling at home in the wild!

Hammock sunset Sealers Cove Wilsons Prom Victoria Australia HIking thisworldexists this world exists eno hammocks hammock

What ever hammock you have, I would highly recommend investing in a set of these suspension systems - it makes rigging these bad boys up so incredibly easy!!

Both of my hammocks are from ENO Hammocks, check them out here.

eno hammocks thisworldexists this world exists explore outdoors hammock relax hiking

Or if you are ready to buy - If you follow these links below and purchase a hammock via Amazon, THISWORLDEXISTS receives a commission that we use to directly support our education projects in disadvantaged communities.

Written by Ryan Gray