Learning Who You Are Through Adventure: Meet Olivia

Olivia is a passionate adventurer living in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. When she isn’t working as a lifeguard, Olivia enjoys spending her spare time outdoors in the beautiful environment that surrounds Red Deer.

“My number one passion in the outdoors is climbing. Some of my happiest moments have been nose to nose with rock.”

Her love for the outdoors was inspired by her father, when he would take Olivia and her family fishing at nearby lakes, hiking around Banff National Park, and horseback riding in the country.

“Seeing someone so passionate about the outdoors really helped cultivate my love for nature and all the beauty it holds.”

To Olivia, adventure means learning more about yourself. A lifetime in the great outdoors has given her valuable experiences with new people and new cultures.

“Adventure is experiencing new things that show you a bit of yourself you didn't know was there. Learning who you are piece by piece, adventure by adventure.”

One particular experience that Olivia will never forget was her recent trip around the Pacific Northwest. Olivia went from her home in Alberta, through to Oregon and back through British Columbia, rock climbing monoliths at Smith Rock State Park, visiting empty secluded beaches, and meeting new friends at the base of Mount Hood.

“The entire trip expressed a freedom that will always be unforgettable.”

Olivia also holds a passion for helping others. She has a background in ESL teaching in Mexico, and is also pursuing a career in nursing. Now an adventure ambassador for thisworldexists, she plans to support improvements to education in the developing world through her outdoor adventures.

“I want to inspire people on through my journeys and encourage others to get out there and explore what the world has to offer them.” 

thisworldexists is excited to have Olivia join our team, inspiring others to get out and explore their world. See more of her journeys on Instagram: @olivia.irvine