Do It Before You Die: Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Columbia River Gorge Ryan Thompson thisworldexists this world exists

It wouldn't seem like a blessing for your partner to live in a different state. My girlfriend lives in Oregon and I live in California, which means we don’t always get to see each other all the time. The way our schedules worked out this year, we ended up missing each others birthdays.

Rather than being disappointed, we used our different locations to plan an epic weekend of adventuring in Oregon to celebrate our special days. 

Columbia River Gorge, make sure you do it before you die!

columbia river gorge this world exists thisworldexists ryan thompson

A staggering 77 waterfalls litter the Oregon side of the Columbia River alone, so it was tough to decide which few waterfalls to visit, all unique and beautiful in their own right. We only had one day allocated in our busy weekend to spend exploring, so we decided to make to most of our time and pick locations that had shorter trails to the waterfalls to allow us to visit as many as we could.

We ended up making it to four different waterfalls and the Columbia River Gorge in just one day.

Wahclella Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Wahclella Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Multnomah  Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Multnomah  Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Elowah Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Elowah Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Elowah Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Elowah Falls, Columbia River Gorge

Horsetail Falls, Columbia River gorge

Horsetail Falls, Columbia River gorge

All and all we had a great weekend rock climbing, zip lining and exploring only a small but incredible part of the Columbia River. 

Ryan Thompson thisworldexists this world exists columbia river gorge oregon

We are already planning another adventure to continue to explore the rest of what great places Oregon has to offer. Know any good ones? Comment them below.


Ryan Thompson is a thisworldexists adventure ambassador. Follow us adventures on Instagram @rynotime

Do It Before You Die: Explore Karijini National Park

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Do It Before You Die: Explore Oregon's Natural Wonders